Keyperson Network

COA Legislative Districts

You can contribute to the COA's legislative efforts by becoming a keyperson for your state senator or state representative, your U.S. Congressman and/or Colorado's U.S. Senators. A keyperson is a COA member who has personal contact with a legislator. We are always looking for volunteers to become a keyperson so if you wish to meet a legislator, please contact the COA Government Relations Director, Karen Moldovan.

Each COA district has a legislative captain who coordinates legislative efforts and communications within that district. The legislative captains encourage all COA members to get involved in the legislative process by getting to know their state senator and representative, and by encouraging members to learn about the legislative process.

Listed below are the leaders of the Legislative Committee for the COA.

Legislative Committee Co-Chairs Deanna Alexander, OD, FAAO and Jon Pederson, OD, FAAO
Legislative Captain District 1 Jon Pederson, OD and Tom Cruse, OD
Legislative Captain District 2 Kevin Krajewski, OD FAAO and Tara DeRose, OD
Legislative Captain District 3 Roger Trudell, OD and Alisha Harris, OD
Legislative Captain District 4 Zoey Loomis, OD and Eric Torgerson, OD
Legislative Captain District 5 Sean Claflin, OD FAAO and Matthew Buchanan, OD
Legislative Captain District 6 Craig Eckroth, OD and Paul Heersink, OD
Legislative Captain District 7 Scott Middlemist, OD and Bob McQuaid, O.D.

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