Membership Classifications

The Colorado Optometric Association has a variety of membership classifications to accommodate all modes of practice and stages of your career. Please review the following categories and contact us if you have any questions regarding which classification is right for your situation. Dues vary by member category. The COA Board of Trustees acts on member applications weekly.


A qualified optometrist residing in Colorado and licensed to practice the profession of Optometry in Colorado may be approved as an active member.

Partial Practice

An optometrist who works sixteen (16) or fewer hours per week resulting in compensation from optometrically-related activities and who has reached at least dues level 3 as defined in Article XIV of the COA Bylaws may be approved as a partial practice member of this Association with full membership privileges.

Federal Services

An optometrist on active duty in the armed services of the United States, on active duty in the commissioned corps of the United States public Health Service, or a full-time employee of the Veterans Administration or other federal government entity, who is stationed in Colorado, may be approved as a federal services member.


An optometrist who has been an active, partial practice, federal service or special class member and is no longer engaged in compensated optometrically related activities, and has not been approved for life membership, may be approved as a retired member.


An optometrist who is a COA member in good standing and has been a member of the AOA for 45 years, qualifying for AOA life membership, may be approved as a COA life member.

Student & Post Graduate

A person working toward a Doctor of Optometry degree, a person currently in an approved residency program, or a fellow in an approved advanced study program of optometry may be approved as a student member.


An optometrist who is licensed and practicing the profession of Optometry in other states of the United States, territories of the United States or foreign countries may be approved as an associate member, providing, however, said associate licensee is a member in good standing of the American Optometric Association.

Platinum Partners

Gold Partners

Silver Partners

Bronze Partners

Industry Partners

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